Corrispondente U.S.A.

Massimiliano Altobelli, Investigatore Privato a Roma dal 1995.

Corrispondente negli USA per poter effettuare indagini internazionali.

Da anni sono in rapporto di amicizia/collaborazione con il Sig. Frank Crescentini, Investigatore Privato che opera negli Stati Uniti.


La sua Agenzia Investigativa, la "F.C. Investigations", fondata dal Sig. Crescentini nel 1997 e regolarmente in possesso di Licenza, rilasciata dallo Stato della California, per svolgere attività investigativa,  ha attualmente sede a Las Vegas - Nevada.


Questo rapporto di amicizia ci ha permesso di collaborare, negli anni, in vari casi per clienti italiani che avevano necessità di svolgere investigazioni negli U.S.A.  e viceversa.

L'esperienza specifica sul campo del Sig. Crescentini e il rapporto di fiducia creato, si è rilevato essere di fontamentale importanza per poter svolgere, con serietà e professionalità, incarichi negli Stati Uniti.


Di seguito la sua lettera di presentazione.


                                                        Massimiliano Altobelli



  Potete visionare il Blog di Frank Crescentini che quotidianamente viene aggiornato e dove si discutono i più attuali casi di cronaca internazionale, al seguente link:


F.C. Investigations




7345 S. DURANGO DR. B107-229


702-308-5965 / FAX 702895-9798 


Company Profile:

F.C.Investigations was established in 1997 by Frank Crescentini, to provide its clientele with a menu of specialized services, ensuring that the specific requirements of our clients are met.

We possess many years of combined experience in law enforcement, security and investigations. NO subcontractors are utilize on assignments unless they are authorize screened by our organization. A worldwide organization with a sister partner in Rome Italy, Massimiliano Altobelli Investigazioni with a license 134 T.U.L.P.S.

We work closely with our European sister company to tailor services and products so that the clients receive superior service they need and expect. Consequently, our growth is largely nationally and internationally attributable to the loyalty and referrals of our clients.

Our personalize service is precise and effective. We have a proven track record of operating in hundreds of personal, corporate and hostile environments throughout our world. Our agents have the ability to provide service and travel to different locations national and international in timely and cost effective manner.


Frank Crescentini is one of the first Private Investigator implementing Psychic Investigators, this new technique deal with any type of paranormal phenomenon or activity. Psychic Investigators working very close with F.C.Investigations in any missing person case.

Our large expertise goes from a simple tort into a complex homicide case.

Protective Services: Corporate Personal, Celebrities.


  • Travel Security: We can provide agents for the protection of clients, their families and temporary housing.
  • Missing persons specialist
  • Threat Assessment: Threat assessments are tailored to an individual client’s need. Site surveys, vulnerability studies, advance conference locations, hotels, and different modes of transportation.
  • Had writing analyses: very strategic tool to develop an individual profile, before you married someone or doing business with someone let me give you a single profile analyses for a single flat fees you will get: Major traits, Minor traits, General personality description. Remember it is better pay a small fess that married someone else problems for a long time and tattoo your life forever!! 


F.C.Investigations handled many High Profile Cases, from the Koklich case and the Ylenia Carrisi case.

Whether you needs are personal/executive/national or international our disciplinary professionals can provide the solution that will help you to operate successfully in a world of risk.

Thank you,


                                 Frank Crescentini C.E.O




Investigatore Privato Roma
Franck Crescentini USA


Frank Crescentini pubblica   quotidianamente nel suo blog articoli che riguardano notizie sulle investigazioni private e la sicurezza.

- Massimiliano Altobelli -

Investigatore Privato a Roma

Investigatore Privato Roma
corrispondente USA Frank Crescentini

Massimiliano Altobelli - Investigatore Privato a Roma

- Socio dal 1994 -
- Socio dal 1994 -

  - Socio dal 1989 - Convenzione con L'ASSOCIAZIONE NAZIONALE CARABINIERI
- Socio dal 1989 - Convenzione con L'ASSOCIAZIONE NAZIONALE CARABINIERI

Tag:investigatore privato roma,  agenzia investigativa roma, agenzie investigative roma, investigatori privati roma, agenzia investigativa a roma, investigazioni private roma, agenzie investigative Roma, detective privato roma, investigatore privato, detective privato, investigatore privato roma nord, investigatore privato a roma, investigatore privato, detective privato, investigatore privato costi, infedeltà coniugali, difesa penale, controllo giovani, prove fotografiche, detective privato

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